Spring Professional Development

Instead of a day-long online spring conference, the VEAC Steering Committee will be offering a series of Lunch and Learn sessions through spring 2022.

As we develop these individual sessions, we ask for some input and collaboration on the following topics:

  • Have you had a CAEP visit or submitted a CAEP report in the past 6 months? We would love to hear about your experience and have you serve on a panel so you can share your wisdom with your Virginia peers. Email Amy Thelk (thelkad@jmu.edu) if you wish to participate as a panel member. The session day/time will be set with panelists.

  • If you have used your VEAC report to facilitate data discussions at your EPP, we would love to hear about the process you used. Contact Angie Wetzel (apwetzel@vcu.edu) who is heading up that discussion.